Cost effective fees:

We are committed to keeping our fees competitive and we ensure that our clients receive the best and ‘value added ‘holistic’ service possible. It is our policy to agree fees with you in advance to enable you to budget and avoid unplanned expense.

See our price guide below:

Personal Tax Returns:

We offer a complete range of taxation services for our clients. We provide specialist advice in the more complex areas of value added tax and national insurance – services of increasing importance. We also provide a wide range of personal financial services and advice on trusts and wills.

Smartax is both adviser and friend of the client in all dealings with the Inland Revenue. We are truly committed to fighting hard, but fairly, for each client’s rights within the law. We advise clients on tax affairs and provide tax planning services with a view to maximising tax efficiency in every situation and avoiding penalties for non-compliance. Our full range of taxation services includes:

  • Personal tax
  • Corporation tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Planning & Capital gains tax
  • PAYE
  • Inland Revenue investigations
  • VAT
Personal Tax Return Annual Cost From
Basic tax return £ 175
Additional sources of income per source (ex. land + property) £ 150
Partnership Tax Return  
Basic Return for the Partnership £ 175
Additional Per Module £ 150
Additional Per Partner £ 150

Dormant Companies:

Annual Cost £ £ 182.50
Equivalent Cost Per Day £ 0.05


Using the latest systems, our highly qualified payroll team provides a practical, affordable solution for all your outsourcing payroll requirements, whatever the size of your business. Our comprehensive service from timesheet through to payment includes: all manner of payment and deductions including: hourly wages, salaries, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and annual payments, bonuses, SSP, SMP, Working Families Tax Credits, Student Loans and Pensions.

Set-up company payroll (per company) £ 50
New employee / employee leaving £ 25 per employee
Payroll run £ 10 per employee per run
P11D return per employee £ 125
Annual wages return per employee P35 £ 70

Specialist Tax Services:

VAT Inspection / PAYE Inspection £ 420
Capital Gains Tax computations per Disposal £ 300
Loss Relief claims £ 300